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John R. Baumgardner



Ph.D. Geophysics & Space Physics 1983 University of California, Los Angeles

M.S. Geophysics & Space Physics 1981 University of California, Los Angeles

M.S. Electrical Engineering 1970 Princeton University

B.S. Electrical Engineering 1968 Texas Tech University


Professional Employment


  • University of California, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
    Theoretical Division, Technical Staff Member, 2/84 to 6/04

  • Rockwell International, Rocketdyne Division, Laser Department,
    Member of Technical Staff and Consultant, 6/78-1/84

  • U. S. Air Force, Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Laser Division,
    Kirtland AFB, NM, Project Officer, 1/71-5/7


Current Research Interests


Numerical simulation of planetary mantle dynamics, nonlinear rheological behavior, and population genetics.

Selected Publications


  • J. R. Baumgardner, W. H. Brewer, and J. C. Sanford, “Can synergistic epistasis halt mutation accumulation? Results from numerical simulation,” in Biological Information: New Perspectives, R. J. Marks II, M. J. Behe, W. A. Dembski, B. L. Gordon, and J.C. Sanford, editors, World Scientific, Singapore, 312-337, 2013

  • W. H. Brewer, J. R. Baumgardner, and J. C. Sanford, “Using numerical simulation to test the ‘mutation-count’ hypothesis,” in Biological Information: New Perspectives, R. J. Marks II, M. J. Behe, W. A. Dembski, B. L. Gordon, and J.C. Sanford, editors, World Scientific, Singapore, 298-311, 201

  • J. C. Sanford, J.R. Baumgardner, W. H. Brewer, “Selection threshold severely constrains capture of beneficial mutations,” in Biological Information: New Perspectives, R. J. Marks II, M. J. Behe, W. A. Dembski, B. L. Gordon, and J.C. Sanford, editors, World Scientific, Singapore, 264-297, 2013.

  • P. Gibson, J. R. Baumgardner, W. H. Brewer, and J. C. Sanford, “Can purifying natural selection preserve biological information? ,” in Biological Information: New Perspectives, R. J. Marks II, M. J. Behe, W. A. Dembski, B. L. Gordon, and J.C. Sanford, editors, World Scientific, Singapore, 232-263, 2013.

  • J. Sanford, J. Baumgardner, W. Brewer, P. Gibson, and W. Remine. Mendel's Accountant: A biologically realistic forward-time population genetics program. Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience. 8(2), July 2007, pp. 147-165.

  • J. Sanford, J. Baumgardner, W. Brewer, P. Gibson, and W. Remine. Using computer simulation to understand mutation accumulation dynamics and genetic load, in Y. Shi et al. (eds.), ICCS 2007, Part II, LNCS 4488, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 386-392.

  • D. R. Stegman, A.M. Jellinek, S. A. Zatman, J. R. Baumgardner, and M. A. Richards, “An early lunar core dynamo driven by thermochemical mantle convection,” Nature, 421, 143-146, 2003.

  • H. P. Bunge, M. A. Richards, and J. R. Baumgardner, “Mantle-circulation models with sequential data assimilation: inferring present-day mantle structure from plate-motion histories,” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A., 360, 2545-2567, 2002.

  • D. A. Randall, T. D. Ringler, R. P. Heikes, P. Jones, and J. Baumgardner, “Climate Modeling with Spherical Geodesic Grids,” Computing in Science and Engineering, 4(5), 32-41, 2002.

  • C. C. Reese, V. S. Solomatov, and J. R. Baumgardner, “Survival of impact-induced thermal anomalies in the Martian mantle,” J. Geophys. Res.- Planets, 107(10), 5082-5092, 2002.

  • D. Majewski, D. Liermann, P. Prohl, B. Ritter, M. Buchhold, T. Hanisch, G. Paul, W. Wergen, and J. Baumgardner, “The global icosahedral-hexagonal grid point model GME: Operational version and high resolution tests,” Mon. Wea. Rev., 130, 319-338, 2002.

  • M. A. Richards, W.-S. Yang, and J. R. Baumgardner, “The role of a low viscosity zone in stabilizing plate tectonics: implications for comparative terrestrial planetology,” Geochem., Geophys., Geosys., 2, 2001.

  • J. K. Dukowicz and J. R. Baumgardner, Incremental remapping as a transport/advection algorithm,” J. Comp. Phys., 160, 318-335, 2000.

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